Kisa Foundation would rather make loans than gifts. While some grants and donations will be provided as seed money, for capital expenditures, and for scholarships, we aim to support projects through our revolving loan fund that will be self-sustaining and income generating. By repaying loans and paying interest, each project we sponsor can contribute to future projects.
For example, rather than donating books or desks to Kisa Primary School, we are lending them money to start a poultry and egg farm that can provide a permanent stream of income to the school. We provided seed money and in-kind donations to start the Uganda Online Art Consortium, providing a way for Ugandan artists to sell their artwork over the internet and at the same time to generate funds for charitable art projects in Uganda. We will evaluate any request for support in terms of its potential to be self sustaining and income-producing.
KFUSA accepts donations from individuals and organizations for our revolving loan fund as well as for specific projects. We also accept loans which can be earmarked for specific projects or individuals. More information is available by following the DONATE link on our website.