A Chicago teenager named Dorothy Jean Tillman II has just become the youngest person in the world to obtain a PHD doctorate—at the age of 17—in She took her first university course at the age of 10. - At the age of 14, Dorothy Jean had obtained an associate diploma, a bachelor's degree and a master's degree.
Right now, you're probably asking yourself, what is "integrated behavioral health?" It is a recently defined specialization in the health sciences, as defined in the article at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, an agency of the US government..
If you're an American and aren't claiming bragging rights, you've probably been asleep for the last 160 years. —RC
(Photo credit & apology after NY Times.)
AABL News Digest
Tillman youngest to earn US PhD
Ideas, anyone?
Washington State Commission on African American Affairs is seeking proposals for a MLK Day program. Submit your project idea via the following form. The organizers will contact selected participants.
Cosgrove Prize to Promote Financial Ethics Research
A major new international prize to promote awareness among young people in banking and related industries of the need for respect for ethics has been launched in Geneva.
The Robin Cosgrove Prize will award $20,000 each year in prize money for creative papers setting out projects or proposals for innovative ways to promote ethics in finance and banking.
The prize will be open to young people throughout the world aged 35 or under. Entries from emerging markets are especially welcome.
The Robin Cosgrove Prize will award $20,000 each year in prize money for creative papers setting out projects or proposals for innovative ways to promote ethics in finance and banking.
The prize will be open to young people throughout the world aged 35 or under. Entries from emerging markets are especially welcome.
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